Computer (IT) Technician Services

        Blue screen of death making you see red?
        Computer has slow boot or won't boot??
        Can't get online??
        Start Up Problems?
        Computer Freezing Up?
        It runs too slowly??
        Ran out of hard drive space??
        Need a faster processor & More memory??
        I can do hardware upgrades, or software upgrades.?
        New or Broken Internet Connection?
        Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting??
        Printer won’t print??
        Computer makes strange noises??

Mission Statements

  1. Create quick, efficient, and on-site customer specific computer solutions.

  2. Provide the best service available to the people in my community at an affordable price.

Click the Contact Me Button to Schedule an Appointment for $25/hr Affordable Flat Rate.

Computer (IT) Technician Services © 2018